[postgres] How Many Connections In Your Pool Are Enough?

  • We will explore:
    • What’s the cost of a connection?
      • A OS native process is an expensive construct. It requires execution of significant logistical instructions and data structures while creating as well as well scheduling for execution.
    • What vectors influences the decission of figuring out how many connections(bellpark) would be optimal?
    • How to come up with the right number of connections?
      • The connections are mostly hard conigured via env variable or some other configuration injection mechanism during the startup of the application/service, meaning we are supposed to figure out the adequate number of connections before deployment.
      • Few applications have dynamic connection pool manager as well
        • It adjusts the connection count as per connection count as well as change in query pattern
        • Writes are disk heavy operation, this influences the number of connections we should have
        • Reads can be optimised to not even touch the disk
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Free SSL Certificate for Play Framework by Ravinder Payal

I understand that it’s too simple thing but frustrates a lot when we don’t have the recipe to proceed and make it work, so worry not here’re the complete steps, just follow in given sequence with a coffee in hand. By the time you finish the coffee, your Play Framework based server will be running with SSL/TLS security.

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Dynamically and statically inserting native dom element into other native element and angular component by Ravinder Payal

First of all happy new year everyone reading out. In this short post I will show how native dom element can be inserted into already present native/angular component inside a angular component using [Renderer2](https://angular.io/api/core/Renderer2 "Link to official documentation") inside [Angular directive](https://angular.io/api/core/Directive "Link to official documentation").

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Deploying Play-Scala application into production

I checked and searched multiple articles and posts, but nowhere complete information was available. In deploying section of official play-scala documentation, it only talks about how to package in different formats, sbt-native docs are also more focused on packaging. So, I learnt the packaging and ran the packages on a dedicated server, but came across a few tedious problem:

  1. The application was closing after a period, and was required to manually reload on the server.
  2. On every restart it was required to manually start the application server.
  3. Monitoring service health was also not easy, it was required to ssh the server and check the logs and server resource usage.
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Simple and Lightweight Image Gallery and Content Slider for Angular by Ravinder Payal

Hi friends, today, we are going to develop a simple to use image gallery and content slider component using (and for) Angular with transitions and styling done using CSS. Some of us might be thinking that why re-invent the wheel when libraries like JSSOR, and plugins like JQUERY carousel are already available. So, we are re-creating it because:-

  1. There are no good native Angular 2( or 4 ) sliders available. Those available are too heavy, and have additional dependencies like JQUERY and Bootstrap, which makes our project pointlessly more heavy.
  2. No worries about licensing.
  3. To get a clear understanding of how slide shows and transitions work on web pages.
  4. Light weight solution, because the ready to use libraries have a lot of boiler plate code for making them work at all.
  5. To have complete control over code.
  6. Tell me if, I missed any other important point.
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Simple and Lightweight JavaScript Image Slider by Ravinder Payal

Hi Guys, today, we are going to develop and a simple image-slider with the help of CSS and JavaScript (pure JavaScript). SOme of us will be thinking that why re-invent the wheel when libraries like JSSOR, and JQUERY carousel plugins are already available:-

  1. No worries about licensing.
  2. To get a clear understanding of how slide shows and transitions work on web pages.
  3. Light weight solutions, because the ready to use libraries have a lot of boiler plate code.
  4. To have complete control over code.
  5. Tell me if you know more.
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